Friday, January 9, 2009

Our First Family Blog...

I have reluctantly (read kicking, screaming, gnashing of teeth-anyone actually know how to gnash??) entered blog-dom.What can I say? I am a non-conformist's conformist... Yes, I did just say absolutely nothing right there. I do actually really hate to do anything just because everyone else is doing it (which is lame, because if everyone else is doing it, maybe it's worth checking out, right?) ... To be really honest I don't particularly care for blogging. One, because I don't find myself interesting enough to write about on a regular basis. Two, it's yet another thing to add to a list that seems to never end. And Three, because there has to be a three, it seems impersonal somehow. However, tonight, my son, as he so often does, said something I want to remember. Approximately 20 minutes later my husband's Mini-Me (Trin) did the same thing. So I figured, what better way to remember and share with those that will find them as fascinating and amusing as I do...
Here is the thing though... if you want to comment, please just e-mail me. Jesse and I where talking about how blogging can take away from personal interactions and I really don't want that! We are all spread out so much, as it is, I much prefer connecting one on one.

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