Monday, December 7, 2009

Our Weekend...

...was a breathless blurr of kitten clients (All 7 of the babies are at their forever homes now!). We get a nice 6 week break before our next litter! YEAH! I love this work, though, truly!


Sylver turned 9.

I am actually feeling kind of melancholy about it. I was looking over her baby pictures and watching her grow through the last nine years. It made me feel a little sad that this part of my life is passing by so quickly. Sometimes I wish I could go back and live certain moments over again... I guess that's what memories, blog posts and pictures are for, right?

I will also admit to feeling a little trepidation about what's to come. I have done early childhood, over and over and over. First as a nanny (or mommy in training, as I think back on it) and then as a mother. I really am not sure how to be a mother of tweens and teenagers. There aren't many books on the subject, probably because most parents get by on a wing and a prayer. That would be a pretty short book,  you know? It would begin and end something like this....

Good Freakin' Luck.

The middle would consist of deep breathing techniques, headache remedies and, for when all else fails, cocktail recipes.

Sylver's birthday was very nice, but I thought I would let her tell about it on her blog. I will have her sit down and write Thank You notes and a blog post tomorrow. Thank You so much to everyone who remembered and sent a card/gift/e-mail. It really meant the world to her!

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